If you ever been on the beach or any other type of place where you can get tanned? Worried about your holiday tan? And you hate getting tan but love traveling. So don’t worry and travel as much as you want and we are here to help you with removing that tan easily and permanently. Removing tan is really a tough job when you have to travel and work in the market or for college projects. So here are home remedies to remove tan permanently from your skin and have a healthy and glowing skin.
Home Remedies To Remove Tan Permanently
In This Article
13.Coconut oil and sandalwood powder
1.Lemon juice
You need
- One lemon
How to use
- Slice the lemon and rub it on your tanned area.
- Leave it for 15 minutes then take the shower.
Do this twice a day for better results.
Lemon juice removes tan and marks from the skin very effectively and makes the skin lighten also as it has acids that help to lighten the skin.
2.Cucumber and Lemon
You need
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp cucumber juice
How to use:
- Mix both the juices together.
- Apply on the tan area with the help of a cotton ball.
- Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
Do this every day.
Lemon removes the tan and cucumber soothes the burns and itchy area so that there is no harm to the skin.
3.Turmeric and Besan
You need
- A pinch of turmeric
- 2 tbsp of gram flour or Besan
- Water.
How to use
- Mix the gram flour, turmeric, and water to make a smooth paste.
- Apply this pack on the area where you get tanned and leave it for 20 minutes.
- Gently remove this pack in a scrubbing motion.
Use it on every alternative day.
If you want to remove tan by making your skin flawless than this pack is perfect. Gram flour removes the tan, turmeric treats the sunburns, and give you perfect skin.
4.Aloe Vera
You need
- 1 fresh leaf of aloe vera
How to use
- Cut a leaf of fresh aloe vera and keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours and then use it on your skin.
- Apply the gel on your tan area.
- Leave it on your skin for 30 minutes.
- Wash your face with cool water.
Do this every day.
Aloe vera is known as the cooling ingredient and soothes the skin. Aloe vera is a good for skin and it helps to treat tan effectively.
You need
- 1 tomato.
How to use
- Clean your tan area and rub half of the tomato in a circular motion for 10 minutes.
- Leave it on your skin for 20 minutes.
- Wash your face with cool water.
Do this on every alternative day.
Tomato is known for its depigmentation properties. It will help to remove tan.
6.Tomato and sugar
You need
- Half tomato
- 1 tbsp of sugar
How to use
- Squeeze the juice from tomato and add sugar in it.
- Apply it on the tan area and do a scrub with a little pressure. Don’t be so harsh.
- Do this for 5 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes.
- Wash it with normal water.
Do this on every 2nd day.
Tomato is a great way to remove tan and when mixed with sugar it acts as a great exfoliator. It will remove tan easily.
7.Raw milk
You need
- 2 tbsp of raw milk
- Cotton ball.
How to use
- Apply milk with the help of a cotton ball on clean skin.
- Let it dry naturally.
- Wash it with normal water.
Do this twice a day.
The presence of lactic acid in raw milk fades away the tan and even out the skin tone.
8.Sandalwood pack
You need
- 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder
- Rosewater
How to use
- Make a paste by adding rose water in sandal powder.
- Apply on the face for 20 minutes.
- Wash your face with simple water.
Do this daily for better results.
Sandalwood has the cooling properties which soothe the skin and also make it fair. Rosewater too provide a cooling effect to the skin.
You need
- 2 tbsp of honey
- lemon juice
How to use
- Add a few drops of lemon juice in honey.
- Apply this pack on your affected area for 20 minutes.
- Wash it off with cool water.
Do this daily.
Honey is only that product which is used in so many things. Honey helps to remove tan from the skin without harming it and honey also makes skin soft. Lemon is good for lightening the marks.
You need
- Raw papaya.
How to use
- Grate the papaya or make a paste.
- Apply it on your face for 20 minutes.
- Rinse your face with lukewarm water.
Do this every alternate day.
Raw papaya removes the tan because of it’s exfoliating and brightening properties. Papaya is the best fruit for skin and best natural home remedies to remove tan.
You need
- 2 tbsp of yogurt.
How to use
- Apply yogurt on your clean face.
- Leave it for 20 minutes.
- Wash it off with normal water.
Do this daily two times.
Yogurt soothes and smooths the skin and also give a cooling sensation to the skin. It will help in removing tan.
12.Tomato and Yogurt
You need
- 1 tbsp of plain yogurt
- 1 tbsp tomato pulp
How to use
- Mix both the ingredients and apply on your face.
- Let it dry for 30 minutes.
- Wash it off with normal water.
Do this twice or thrice a week.
The citric properties of tomato remove the tan in a very easy and natural way, whereas yogurt moisturizes the skin.
13.Coconut oil and sandalwood powder
You need
- 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder
- ½ tbsp of coconut oil.
How to use
- Mix the sandalwood powder with coconut oil.
- Apply on the face and neck for 20 minutes.
- Rinse it really well.
Do this twice a week.
Sandalwood is loaded with so many skin benefits and when it combined with the goodness of coconut oil it will remove tan from your skin and add a glow.
You need
- 4-5 strawberries
- 2 tbsp of milk
How to use
- Crush the strawberries with milk.
- Apply this pack on skin.
- Leave it for 30 minutes.
Apply this twice a week.
Having many benefits for skin strawberries are the natural exfoliator that removes the dead skin cells and tan from your skin.
15.Potato juice
You need
- Medium-sized potato
- Cotton ball.
How to use
- Grate a potato and extract the juice.
- Apply the juice on your skin with a cotton ball.
- Leave it for 15 minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
Do this daily.
Potato has many benefits and it is known for the cleansing and bleaching properties. It will lighten the skin and remove tan.
16.Ice cubes
You need
- 1-2 ice cubes.
How to use
- Rub the ice cubes on the sunburnt area and tanned area for a few minutes.
- Then wash again with normal water.
Do this twice a day or whenever you want to.
Rubbing ice cubes on sunburnt will provide cooling and soothes the skin. It will help to lighten the skin from tan.
17.Multani mitti
You need
- 2 tbsp of multani mitti
- Rosewater.
How to use
- Mix the multani mitti with rose water and make a smooth paste.
- Apply this on your face, neck, and body for about 15 minutes.
- Rinse it with normal water.
Do this on every alternative day.
Multani mitti is a great way to treat the tan problems. It cools the soothes the skin. It cleanses your skin and makes it clear from any skin problem.
18.Gram flour
You need
- 2 tbsp of gram flour
- Rosewater
How to use
- Add rose water into the gram flour and mix it well.
- Apply it on your face and neck for 15 minutes.
- Wash with cool water.
Do this twice a week.
Gram flour is a natural exfoliator that gently removes dead skin cells and tan. It will brighten up your skin as well.
19.Green tea
You need
- 1 green tea bag
- Hot water
- Cotton ball
How to use
- Boil or brew the green tea and let it cool.
- Apply it on your tanned skin with the help of a cotton ball.
- Leave it for 10-12 minutes and rinse with water.
Do this twice a day.
Green tea is a good source to provide cooling and soothing effects on the skin. It will remove tan and blemishes.
20.Rice flour
You need
- 2 tbsp of rice flour
- 1 tbsp of tomato pulp
- Water.
How to use
- Mix all the ingredients with enough water to make a paste.
- Apply this on your face and neck for 10-15 minutes.
- Wash it off with normal water.
Use this twice a week.
Rice flour soothes the skin and also brighten the skin. It will also remove the tan from the skin.
21.Tomato and sandalwood
You need
- Half tomato
- ½ tbsp of sandalwood powder
How to use
- In a bowl sprinkle the sandalwood powder and soothe tomato in it.
- Rub it on your face or other body parts where there is tan and do this for 10 minutes.
- Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with normal water.
Do this every day.
Tomato is very helpful in treating the tan and pigmented areas whereas sandalwood is known for it’s cooling and fairer properties.
You need
- 2 tbsp of pineapple pulp
- 1 tbsp of honey
How to use
- Mix the honey in pineapple and mix it really well.
- Apply it on your skin and keep it for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse with normal water.
Do this once a week.
Pineapple extract contains bromelain that can help remove the dead skin and also remove the tan.
23.Red lentils
You need
- 1 tbsp of red lentil powder
- 1 tbsp of tomato pulp
- Aloe vera
How to use
- Make a rough paste by mixing all the ingredients.
- Apply on the affected area and leave it for 30 minutes.
- Wash it off with cool water.
Use it on every alternative day.
Red lentil is a good source for removing tan and when mixed with the remaining ingredients it works as a wonder for tan.
You need
- Rosewater
- Cotton ball
How to use
- Dip the cotton ball in the rose water.
- Apply it on the skin and leave it overnight.
- Wash it with cold or normal water in the morning.
Do this daily at night.
Rosewater freshes the skin and lightens the skin also. It will remove tan effectively.
25.Honey and papaya
You need
- ½ cup ripe papaya
- 2 tbsp of honey
How to use
- Mash the papaya and add honey in it.
- Mix them well and apply on your face.
- Leave it for half an hour.
- Wash this with lukewarm water.
Do this twice a week.
Papaya exfoliates your skin and removes the dead skin cells. It will lighten the skin and remove tan.
26.Milk and turmeric
You need
- A pinch of turmeric
- 1-2 tbsp of milk
How to use
- In a bowl mix the turmeric and milk.
- Apply it on your face. Let it dry completely.
- Rinse with lukewarm water.
Do this daily.
Turmeric is known for its healing properties and milk is a good exfoliator and cleanser, which is good for removing tan.
27.Coconut milk
You need
- Coconut milk
- Cotton ball
How to use
- Dip the cotton ball in coconut milk.
- Gently apply it on your face and affected area.
- Keep it for 10-15 minutes and rinse with normal water.
Do this daily.
The presence of mild acid will slowly remove the tan from your skin and make it soft.
You need
- 1 tbsp of coffee
- Rosewater
How to use
- In a bowl mix the coffee with rose water and make a smooth paste.
- Apply it on your face and massage for 5 minutes.
- Leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with normal water.
Do this thrice a week.
Coffee is a great exfoliator for the skin. It will help in removing tan and make skin fair.
29.Buttermilk &oatmeal
You need
- 3 tbsp of buttermilk
- 2 tbsp of oatmeal
How to use
- Mix the oatmeal with buttermilk.
- Massage this paste on your skin in a circular motion for 5 minutes.
- Rinse with normal water.
Do this twice a week.
Buttermilk will soothe the skin and oats are a good way to exfoliate the dead skin.
30.Vicks vaporub
You need
- Vicks vaporub.
How to use
- Apply vicks vaporub on the affected area for a few hours.
- Wash it off with lukewarm water.
Do this daily.
Yes, it’s a bit surprising but Vicks vaporub is a great way to remove the tan from the body. It will soothe and moisturize the skin.
These remedies will give you the solution, but you have to be patient as home remedies to remove tan work slow. But whenever you are going outside wears sunscreen as said prevention is better than cure.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Hi, this is Team Fab Beauty Tips. We have a team of certified cosmetologist. It includes deep study about skin, hair, nails and makeup. Having a proper knowledge about these things inspired us a lot to share our knowledge with everyone. So that everyone can achieve there desired beautiful and trendy look.
So many useful tips. Thanks for sharing.
Such an exhaustive post i must say.. Havent tried tomato yet will try it.
With summers coming up this was much needed! Infact I have tried a few as per your list and it actually works 😊
Extremely useful tips for me! I got really tanned because of my frequent trips to and from my kids school!! Will surely stRt at the top of this list!
Easily available at home stuff to keep skin looking great…nice!