In Winter there is low humidity level which results in dry air due to which our skin loses all moisture. People face many problems in the winter season like dry skin, flakes on the skin due to dryness. There are many ways to combat the causes of dry winter skin one of which is using extra moisturizing during the winter season so let’s move to some winter Skin Care Tips.
Essential Winter Skin Care Tips
In This Article
1. Keep the skin moisturized
You can moisturize the skin by applying cleanser which contains aloe vera and lemon as aloe vera is quite useful and helps to keep the skin moisturized. It helps in softening of the skin and keeps dryness apart.
2. Use a sunscreen
Sunscreen is not only meant to be used in the summers only. You can use in the winters as well. As exposure to the sun in the winters can also affect your skin. Therefore, you must apply sunscreen before going out in winter.
3. Skin nourishment
In winters, the skin usually gets dried, so you must apply a cream at night before going to bed every day. It will nourish your skin and the skin will become less dry.
4. For very dry skin
People suffering from very dry skin must avoid using soap. They should apply lemon-turmeric cream before going to a bath. It softens the skin and prevents dryness.
5. Heals cracked heels
You can soak your feet for half an hour in warm water at night, apply apricot cream around the Cracked heels and leave for the whole night. Doing this every night can heal your cracked heels.
6. Don’t turn up the hot water
Usually, when the weather gets cold, people turn up their level of water to more hot. This may cause damage to your skin as well as the hair because this actually dehydrates your skin and hair and provides damage.
7. Exfoliate naturally
Every day, the dead skin cells are almost replaced by the fresh cells, when you exfoliate naturally for example if you scrub with the baking soda and water it removes the dead skin cells and gives you glowing skin.
8. Use a humidifier
In order to maintain the level of dampness in the air, one must use a humidifier and it’s important to use humidifier overnight.
9. Keep your home warm but not hot
You must maintain the temperature because it is quite essential for your skin and hair. The sudden change of temperature when you go outside your room can affect your skin and hair.
10. Eat balanced and stay hydrated
Eating food that contains many vitamins can keep you hydrated and can provide hydration to your skin and hair, also drinking plenty of water can reduce dryness.
11. Dry hands
In order to get rid of the dry hands, you must apply moisturizer after washing your hands and if your hands are getting quite dry, then apply lotion on them.
11. Chapped lips
In winters, the lips usually get dried at the first, so one must keep one lip balm in their pocket. Lanolin is known as the best natural moisturizer, it keeps the skin hydrated.
12. Dry face
It is the face that gets exposed to everything firstly, so it gets dry easily. To get rid of dry skin avoid using the products made of alcohol and use lotions or moisturizer. You can also use egg yolks and milk etc.
Cold air in the winters affects the skin and hair frequently. One must take care by using such tips mentioned above in order to save themselves from the drying face. You can use many products from your kitchen as well.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Hi, this is Team Fab Beauty Tips. We have a team of certified cosmetologist. It includes deep study about skin, hair, nails and makeup. Having a proper knowledge about these things inspired us a lot to share our knowledge with everyone. So that everyone can achieve there desired beautiful and trendy look.
I really love the winter as it is synonymous for the Holidays (For me at least) but it really is a bummer to have a winter dry skin. Your tips are a great read! I never thought it was this simple
My water intake drops drastically and that messes up with my skin d hair badly. To hydrate well from within is the key to a glow skin during winter. Great tips.
A wonderful guide to take care of skin this winter. I feel staying hydrated is often ignored by many of us including me. Thanks for sharing this with me . .
Thankyou for sharing such useful tips for winter skin care. It is so important to take of your skin in winter season. I’m definitely going to use your tips.
winter care is very essential for skin and hair . I am following some of the winter tips mentioned , rest i will start following from today
The hot water thing is my biggest weakness.It’s so cold in this part of the country that I can’t avoid hot water for bathing.But on th face I do.try cold water only.
Need of the hour I must say. My skin is deeply affected with dryness during the winters. So this article has turned out to be quite useful. Nice piece.
One of the most important things to consider on skin care tips are keeping hydrated by drinking a lot of water and also a good moisturizer.
Thanks for sharing those skin care tips. Keeping hydrated, eating healthy foods and avoid oily foods are really important to have a healthy and glowing skin.
In winter skin definitely needs extra pamper and care. All these tips are very helpful and handy to apply. Using humidifier is something new for me but a great idea indeed.
This is such an informative and timely post. Thank you for sharing these tips and tricks, I will definitely try all of them.
A very relevant article for the weather. Winter’s leave skin and hair very dry and moisture less. These are great tips to follow.
Thanks for these tips,i so much wanted tips for winter care. Hydration is must here. All the more I’m tired of chapped lips, hope to use some natural ways to get supple ones.
I am a winter baby and love everything winters. But dry skin and chapped lips are worse. I too keep a moisturizer bottle and lip balm handy always. Great post
I love this season of Winter. But taking care of hair , skin and lips becomes a difficult task. Your tips are truly helpful and I always try some of them . Thanks for sharing