In a few of our article, we saw how to take care of hands and legs from tanning and making them even tone and fairer. Now we will see how to get crystal clear glowing and smooth skin which is even spotless smooth and supple.
Have you ever thought of clean skin… Clear like crystal. How do Koreans manage to get such skin? How do they have such skin? Is the possible question everyone thinks… Here we have bought to you the special miraculous home remedy to get crystal clear skin?
Koreans Secret for Skin – Get Crystal Clear, Glowing and Smooth Skin
So, you have to just follow these simple steps:
What you need:
- 1 tablespoon salt
- Half teaspoon honey
- 1 Vitamin E capsule (Evion – easily available in Drug Store)
What you have to do:
Mix half teaspoon honey and 1 tablespoon salt in a bowl squeeze and take out the oil from Vitamin E capsule mix all three together. Your salt scrub is ready. Scrub your face for about 5 mins in a circular motion. Leave it for 15 mins. Then wash it off with warm water & pat dry with a soft towel. Apply good toner or Rosewater then after. To close pores which are open during the treatment.
Why it works:
Salt deep cleans the skin, prevent bacterial infection, prevents oiliness and prevent the occurrence of whiteheads blackheads and acne. Honey is the best healing agent with anti-bacterial properties Vitamin E is best anti-aging properties.
How often should you use: Twice a week.
Caution: Oily skin should use once a week. Good toner is a must after scrubbing to close open pores. Rosewater or astringent for oily skin. It is recommended to use a good moisturizer after and a good SPF to prevent your skin from sun tanning.
Follow these amazing home remedy and have amazing glowing skin. For more amazing Daily Tips Follow us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. And do leave your comment below and share it with your friends, Thank You.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Mumbai based Cosmetologist. An artist and writer by heart. Mother to one who loves cooking and sharing her knowledge.