Today, we have come up with the article about Magical Homemade Masks to Remove Blackheads and Whiteheads
Like blackheads, people do suffer from whiteheads known as Melia. Whiteheads are caused due to excess sebum produced by sebaceous glands. Sebum is oil produced by oil glands under the skin. Skin if not cleansed deeply causes whiteheads.
Here are simple natural home remedy masks to treat blackheads and whiteheads at home:
Magical Homemade Masks to Remove Blackheads and Whiteheads
1. Corn-starch and turmeric mask:
What you need:
- 2 tablespoon corn-starch
- 1 tablespoon turmeric
What you have to do: Mix corn-starch and turmeric in 2:1 ratio in a bowl. Add warm water and heat it on a low flame for 2-3 mins stir it nicely in one direction. See to it that no lumps are formed. Firstly, clean your face with warm water. Warm water helps in opening pores. Apply this mixture and let it dry. Peel it off with the help of a nail tip. Clean excess residue with water and pat dry. And apply a natural moisturizer like coconut oil.
How often should you use: Twice a week
Why this works: Turmeric is anti-bacterial and a good astringent property. Turmeric has a good healing property too. Corn-starch act as PEEL OFF masks for blackheads and whiteheads. There are many turmeric benefits for the skin.
Caution: Do not overheat the mixture. Consistency should be smooth enough to apply. Though at first, this remedy may not be effective but using it twice at once for two times a week shows the remarkable result.
2. Gelatin and charcoal peel-off mask:
What you need:
- Half teaspoon gelatin
- Half teaspoon activated charcoal
What you have to do: Take both the ingredients in a bowl. Add hot distilled water to form a paste. Apply it onto your clean face in upward direction let it dry. Peel it off with us nails in an upward direction.
Why this works: Activated charcoal deep cleans your skin.
How often should you use: Twice or once a week
Caution: You will see all residue on to your peeled off mask. Do not add too hot water.
Follow these amazing home remedy to get rid of blackheads and whiteheads. Hoping that this article Magical Homemade Masks to Remove Blackheads and Whiteheads will help you. For more amazing Daily Tips Follow us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. And do leave your comment below and share it with your friends, Thank You.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Mumbai based Cosmetologist. An artist and writer by heart. Mother to one who loves cooking and sharing her knowledge.