Fenugreek seed is commonly used in India Households. It is popularly known as methi in the Hindi language. Fenugreek has numerous benefits from aiding digestion to reducing hair fall. Fenugreek/Methi seeds are considered one of the most effective remedies to treat hair fall issues.
Fenugreek seeds have high protein and nicotinic acid content, which are known to be beneficial against hair fall and dandruff. Fenugreek also helps in treating a variety of scalp issues like baldness, dryness of hair and hair thinning.
How to use Fenugreek to prevent Hair Fall
1. Fenugreek (methi) seeds with Mustard oil
What you need
- 5 to 7 methi seeds
- 2 tablespoon mustard oil
What you have to do
- Add warm mustard oil and methi seeds to it, let it boil for few seconds.
- Let it warm.
- Massage it onto your scalp down till hair tips.
- Keep it overnight
- Do regular Shampoo wash it the next day
How often should you use
Once or twice a week
Why this works
Mustard oil boosts hair growth and restores hair pigments while methi seeds soften and strengthen the hair. Fenugreek seeds contain large amounts of lecithin, this hydrates the hair and strengthens the hair follicles.
See to it that the oil is not too hot while applying and the aroma of methi seeds blended in the mustard oil
2.Fenugreek (Methi) powder with Black till oil and neem powder
What you need
- 2 tablespoon black till oil
- 1/2 teaspoon methi powder
- 1/2 teaspoon neem powder
What you have to do
- Mix neem powder and methi powder to black till oil.
- Heat it till boiling.
- Leave it to warm.
- Massage on to your scalp to hair tips.
- Leave it overnight.
- Wash it off with shampoo the next day
How often should you use
It can be used twice a week
Why this works
Black till oil boost hair growth. Neem powder antibacterial properties and methi powder help in softening the hair shaft.
Do no use hot oil to massage. Use warm bearable temperature oil.
Fenugreek seeds will help in moisturizing the hair and bringing back the luster and bounce. Try this remedy and do let us know your results. Hoping that it article How to remove open pores from the face will help you. For more amazing Daily Tips Follow us on Instagram, Facebook & Twitter. And do leave your comment below and share it with your friends, Thank You.
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15 Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Fall and Hair Regrowth
21 Effective Home Remedies for Hair Fall
Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information Provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

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