Hair fall is a nightmare for all the people on earth. Hair fall problem is one which is hated by men and women at an equal level. It can be caused by so many things or factors. Few Severe Hair Fall Causes are mentioned in this article which may help you in understanding the reason why you are facing hair fall or why the hair fall happens with people of young age in today’s time.
Which are the Severe Hair Fall Causes?
In This Article
1. Stress:
Having any kind of stress whether physical or emotional, it causes hair fall. Hair started to fall if a person is facing extreme stress in his/her life. Hair has 3 stages of the growth cycle: one is the growth stage, second is the resting stage and the last one is shed stage or falling stage. By having stress at an earlier age causes the third stage faster in both males and females. (1)
2. Hormones:
Hormones play a vital role throughout the life of a person. They are the first one to consider if there is anything wrong with the body and have to be balanced for a maintained body and health. Hormones if not balanced will cause hair fall in people. They can cause even the bald patches on the scalp of any person of any age. (2)
3. Diet:
Your body is what you eat and this applies the same to the hair also. A proper diet will give you the dreamy and volume hair. But if your diet is not sufficient or lack of some nutrients then it will also affect your hair in many ways like hair fall, bald patches, thinning of hair, etc. include proteins, zinc, biotin, and iron foods in your diet if you are facing hair fall. (3)
4. Pollution:
Another reason that causes hair fall is pollution. If you are living in a polluted city or area then this may cause you the problem of having hair fall and thinning of the hair throughout the year. You can minimize the effect of pollution on the hair by covering them with a hat or scarf or by some protecting means.
5. Pregnancy:
Some females had hair fall while their pregnancy period. There are some changes in the body at the time of pregnancy and it sometimes causes hair fall. This happens to a very few ladies in the initial time. This can be cured after giving to the child.
6. Protein Deficiency:
Some people had hair fall problem due to the deficiency of the protein in their bodies. As we all know hair is made of protein and it helps in the formation of the hair. So if you are having hair fall from a long time, do check with the doctor about protein deficiency or simply start eating dairy products like milk, cheese, curd, etc. and some fish also.
7. Heredity:
Heredity is what your genes are? If your genes of the family are where all the females face hair fall at some earlier or later stage then it is a matter of heredity. This can be controlled by doing some kind of treatments but it never worked 100% to any of them. (4)
8. Anaemia:
Anaemia is caused due to iron deficiency in the body of the women. 1 out of 10 women suffer from anaemia and this has caused them hair fall. This problem can be fixed by the doctors and is temporary if you will treat it in the earlier stages. (5)
9. Thyroid:
Some people face the problem of hair fall due to thyroid. In the medical term, it is called hypothyroidism. It is caused by the thyroid gland in the neck area which releases the hormones. When these stop producing the hormones or pumping the hormones which our hair needs, it results in hair fall. (6)
10. Deficiency Of Vitamin B:
Deficiency of vitamin B in the body will cause so many problems and hair fall is one of them. While Deficiency of biotin in the body results in the slow growth of the hair and thinning of the hair also. These vitamins are essential for the growth and for stopping the hair from falling. Eat fruits and vegetables which are a good source of vitamin B to control the hair fall or you can also opt for the biotin supplements. (7)
11. PCOS:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is another imbalance of the hormones in males as well as females. The excess amount of androgens in the body lead to hair thinning and bald patches also. (8)
12. Overheat Treatments:
Treating your hair with the heat on a daily basis and without any precaution or heat protector will cause hair fall for sure. Heat treatments make hair strands weak and thus it ends in split ends. Split ends further make hair follicles weak and by this hair tends to fall really fast and it also affects the growth of the hair.
13. Chemicals:
Hair coloring, smoothening, rebonding, curls, and such chemical treatments are another cause of hair fall. These chemicals make hair roots weak and brittle which in the near future or after some months of these chemical treatments cause hair fall and sometimes it also results in bald patches and hair thinning.
14. Aging:
Aging is the main and older factor to be considered for having the hair fall problem. Some people or we can say most of the people face this problem with crossing a certain age limit say their 50’s and 60’s. This can be treated with some medicines or other treatments but it is advisable not to use them as these can make the problem worse. (9)
15. Medications:
Hair fall caused majorly by taking the wrong medicines or not suiting any other medicine to the body. For instance, the medicine for controlling the blood pressure sometimes doesn’t suit the person and he/she tends to have hair fall. (10)
16. Use of Too Many Hair Care Products:
Using a sequence for hair care products are good but using too many of them is not at all good. Too many products for your hair and scalp can cause your hair fall. Using many products on a daily basis to your hair makes them weak rather than making them strong and this will make them fall easily and often. (11)
17. Infections:
Some scalp infections and diseases also make hair fall easily. For instance psoriasis, eczema and such other. (12)
18. Too Much Intake Of Vitamin A:
Deficiency of any vitamin is bad for hair but too much intake of them is also of no benefit and may cause more problems than the solution. Taking vitamin A supplements in more than required manner will cause you the problem of hair fall. (13)
19. Poor Health:
Poor health of a person also shows its effects on the hair. It is due to any reason like illness for a long time, by age or anything. (14)
20. Over Styling:
Over styling also causes hair fall. Trying new hairstyle daily will make hair weak and slows down their growth also. Thus it causes hair fall. (15)
21. Hair Tied Too Tightly:
If you tie your hair too tight they will become too weak and thus cause your hair fall.
22. Combing Hair More Than Required:
Combing your hair more than thrice a day will cause hair fall as hair become weak and brittle by combing them again and again. Avoid combing your hair as much as possible. (16)
We saw 22 Different Severe Causes of Hair Fall in this article from which you might be suffering. These all causes are common and faced by many people. Now you can identify your cause and immediately cure it in the early stages.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

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