Peel-off masks are quite useful for removing blackheads, acne and helps in brightening the skin. You can easily prepare such face masks at home with some ease. So, here are some DIY peel-off mask methods for blackheads, acne removal.
20 DIY Peel Off Face Masks For Blackheads, Acne, And Skin Brightening
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20 DIY Peel Off Face Masks For Blackheads, Acne And Skin Brightening
Peel-Off Masks For Blackheads
1. Milk And Gelatin Peel-Off Mask
One tablespoon of milk and gelatin.
Mix milk and gelatin in a bowl properly, place it in the microwave and then heat it for 5 seconds. Take out the mixture from the microwave and stir it well. Again heat the mixture for 5 seconds in the microwave. Allow the mixture to cool down or gets warm. Apply on your nose with the help of a brush as a mask, keep it for 15 minutes then peel it off. Wash your nose with water. This mask helps to prevent blackheads.
2. Milk And Honey Peel-Off Mask
One tablespoon of raw milk and honey.
Mix well milk and honey in a bowl, allow it to get heated for 10 seconds in the microwave. You will get a thick paste. Let the mixture gets cooled, apply directly on the nose and keep it for about an hour and then peel it off. Wash your face with water after peeling off the mask (1).
3. Lemon juice And Egg white Peel-Off Mask
One tablespoon of lemon juice and one egg white.
Mix lemon juice along with one egg white, apply this mixture to your nose with the help of a brush. Place one tissue on your nose and then again apply the mixture on your nose. Keep it till it gets dry. Peel off the mask and then wash it with water.
4. Mint, Turmeric, And Gelatin Peel-Off Mask
Turmeric, mint tea, and one tablespoon of gelatin.
Boil mint leaves in water and take out the solution. Add turmeric and gelatin to the mixture and stir them well in order to make a paste of it. Apply the mixture on your nose and keep it for 30 seconds and then wash up your face with water.
5. Honey And Cinnamon Mask
Cinnamon, honey, and cotton strips.
Prepare a mixture of cinnamon and honey. Apply directly on your face and place the cotton strips over the areas to which the mixture is applied. Place the mixture for at least 15 minutes and then gently peel off the strips and then wash your face with water. You can also apply moisturizer after the process (2).
Peel-Off Masks For Acne Removal
6. Gram Flour And Milk Peel-Off Mask
½ teaspoon milk, ½ teaspoon gram flour.
Mix ½ teaspoon of milk with ½ teaspoon of gram flour. Apply this mixture on your face gently and make sure you apply a thick layer of it. Keep it for 15 minutes and then peel it off. Wash your face with luke water.
7. Baking soda And Water Peel-Off Mask
Baking soda and water.
Take baking soda and distilled water, mix them well, and then apply them on your face. Allow it to stay on your face and then peel off after 10 minutes. This mask will help you to get rid of acne.
8. Apple cider And Corn starch Mask
Apple cider, water, and corn starch.
Mix ½ teaspoon of corn starch along with water and 2-3 drops of apple starch. Apply the mixture to your face and relax for 15 minutes. Apply this once a week.
9. Green tea And Flour Peel-Off Mask For Acne:
Green tea, flour.
Take one spoon from brewed green tea and allow it to cool, then mix it with flour. Apply this mixture to the affected areas and then peel it off after 10 minutes.
10. Rosewater And Orange Peel Powder
Some drops of rose water and orange peel powder.
Mix one spoon of orange powder with 5 drops of rose water. Apply this mixture on the areas affected and then wash your face with luke water.
11. Charcoal Peel-Off Mask
One tablespoon water, 1/2 tablespoon gelatin, and charcoal.
Take ½ tbsp charcoal with gelatin powder in a bowl and mix it properly. Then add water to it and again mix it well. Apply on your face for at least one day a week.
12. Orange juice And Gelatin Mask
Orange juice and gelatin.
Add 2 tablespoon of gelatin in a bowl. Add 4-5 tablespoon of orange juice to it and then boil the mixture. Apply this peel-off mask on your face. You will see the results if applied every week.
13. Milk Peel-Off Mask
½ tablespoon milk and gelatin
Mix well both gelatin and milk together and then heat the mixture. Apply gently on your face.
14. Non-toxic glue And Peppermint Essential Oil
Non-toxic glue, one teaspoon charcoal, and peppermint essential oil.
Add charcoal and peppermint oil to the glue, Mix them to make a thick paste, and then apply to the affected areas. In this, glue can also be replaced by gelatin.
Peel-Off Mask For Skin Brightening
15. Glycerine And Milk Peel-Off Mask
Gelatin, glycerine, and milk.
Boil one cup of milk in a bowl, add gelatin to it and dissolve it properly and then add glycerine to the mixture and allow it to get cool down. Apply a thick coat to the face and peel it off after 10 minutes.
16. Coconut oil, Lemon, And Egg white Mask
Lemon, coconut oil, and one egg white.
To the egg white, add an equal amount of coconut oil and lemon juice to it. Stir to form a thick mixture and then with the help of a brush apply to your face. Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
17. Rosewater And Pineapple juice Mask
3 tablespoons of rose water and pineapple juice and 1 tablespoon of gelatin.
Mix pineapple juice and rose water properly and then microwave it for 30 seconds. Add gelatin to it and then mix it properly. Let it cool down and then apply it on your face keeping away from your eyes. This will help up in brightening your skin.
18. Aloe Vera And Green tea Face Peel-Off Mask
Gelatin powder, one bag of green tea, and aloe Vera.
Add aloe Vera to the brewed green tea and then boil over a flame, add gelatin to the mixture and let it cool down. Apply on your face for not more than 7 minutes. Wash with warm water (3).
19. Cucumber And Glycerine Peel-Off Mask
Cucumber juice, glycerin, and tissue paper.
Firstly, Wash your face with warm water. Mix cucumber juice and glycerin together to make a mixture, using the brush apply it on your face and then place tissue paper on your face. Let it be placed on your face and after 10 minutes peel it off gently.
20. Oatmeal And Yogurt Peel-Off Mask
Oatmeal and yoghurt.
Grind the oatmeal so that it gets converted to powdered form. Take a bowl, place the powdered oatmeal in it, and then add yoghurt to it. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to it, mix them well, and then apply all over your face.
You don’t need to buy expensive materials like face packs, masks, etc to look beautiful. All you need is to take a step and prepare all the masks and packs at your home easily. The above-given peel off masks helps you to take care of your face at an affordable cost.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

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