Sometimes it feels embarrassing to wear short dresses, skirts and shorts which shows your knees. Dark elbows are also embarrassing. Dark knees and elbows sometimes lower our confidence and make us conscious every time. But here are some remedies which will help you cure/ lighten your dark knees and elbows and are really effective.
Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Dark Knees And Elbows
In This Article
You need
- 1 lemon
How to use
- Cut the lemon into half and rub it on the knees and elbows.
- Do this for 5 minutes.
- And leave it for another 10 minutes.
Do this every day.
Lemon has bleaching properties which remove the black and dark skin from your body. This will helps in lightens the dark skin.
Note: If you have sensitive skin or any cuts on skin then don’t use lemon.
You need
- Half a potato
How to use
- Wash a potato and cut it half.
- Slice them into pieces and rub the slices on the skin.
- Or you can also grate the potato and apply that juice on the dark skin.
- Leave it for 10 minutes.
- Wash with cold water.
Do this thrice a week.
Potato helps in lighting the skin and make dark skin light. Regular application will give the desired result.
3.Baking soda and Milk
You need
- 1 tbsp baking soda
- 1 tbsp milk
How to use
- Mix milk and baking soda and make a paste.
- Apply this on your knees and elbows.
- Scrub it gently for 2-3 minutes.
- Rinse this off with cool water.
Do this once a week.
Baking soda is a great exfoliator. It removes the dead skin cells which may cause dark skin. The lactic acid and amino acid in the milk soothes the skin and moisturize it.
4.Coconut Oil
You need
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 1 tbsp walnut powder
How to use
- Mixed both the ingredients to make a thick paste.
- Apply this on knees and elbows and start scrubbing it.
- Do this for 2-3 minutes.
- Rinse with water.
Do this 2-3 times a week.
Coconut oil is known for it’s moisturizing and nourishing properties. It hydrates the skin and prevents the dry skin which is the main cause of dark skin. It also lightens the skin with regular application.
5.Aloe Vera Gel
You need
- 1 aloe vera leaf
How to use
- Cut the leaf and extract all the gel present in it.
- Apply this gel on the knees and elbows.
- Leave it for 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water.
Apply this gel two times a day for better results.
Aloe vera is a wonder plant to cure and to heal the knees and elbows by making it soft. Regular application of this gel will brighten up the dark skin and make it smooth.
6.Almond Oil
You need
- Few drops of almond oil
How to use
- Take some drops of sweet almond oil on your fingers.
- Massage your knees and elbows with this.
- Massage it until the oil gets absorbed into the skin.
Do this twice a day, once in a day and once a night.
Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, which repair the dead and dry skin and make them light in colour.
7.Apple Cider Vinegar
You need
- Apple cider vinegar
- Water
- Cotton ball
How to use
- Take equal proportion of apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl.
- Mix them well.
- Dip a cotton ball in this solution and apply on the knees and elbows.
- Leave it for 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse with normal water.
Do this 3-4 times a week.
The acidic properties present in apple cider vinegar acts as a bleaching agent which will remove the dead skin and lighten the skin. This also helps in exfoliating the skin well.
8.Pumice Stone
You need
- Pumice stone
- Warm water
How to use
- Take a bath with warm water.
- Gently scrub your knees and elbows with a pumice stone in the circular motion for 2-3 minutes.
- Rinse your body with cold water.
Do this 2-3 times a week.
Exfoliating your knees and elbows by using pumice stone is a great way to make your dark skin light again. Pumice stone removes all the dead skin and makes it smooth.
9.Olive Oil
You need
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 2 tbsp sugar
How to use
- Mix olive oil in sugar.
- Take some of it on your fingers.
- Gently scrub your knees and elbows with it.
- Do this for 2-3 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water.
Do this thrice a week.
Olive oil moisturize the skin well and make it smooth by nourishing it. Sugar is a great exfoliator and makes skin light.
10.Vitamin E oil
You need
- Vitamin E capsule
- 1 tbsp sugar
How to use
- Poke some capsules of vitamin E and take the oil from it.
- Make sure you have 1 to 2 tbsp oil.
- Add sugar in the oil and mix them well.
- Apply this on your dark knees and elbows.
- Scrub them for good 2 minutes.
- Rinse it off with cool water.
Do this every alternate day.
Sugar removes the dead skin cells. Vitamin E oil is beneficial for removing the dark skin and to give it nourishment. It helps in fading pigmentation, Dark skin and dark spots.
You need
- 1 tbsp yogurt
- 1 tsp vinegar
How to use
- Mix the yogurt and vinegar.
- Make a paste and apply on your knees and elbows.
- Keep it for 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse with water.
Use this daily.
Yogurt not only just nourish the skin but also removes the dead skin and help in lightens the dark skin. Vinegar enhances the working of the yogurt for better results.
You need
- 1 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 tbsp milk
- 1 tsp honey
How to use
- Mix milk, turmeric and honey in a bowl.
- Make a paste of it.
- Apply this on your knees and elbows and scrub for 2 minutes.
- Leave it for 20 minutes.
- Rinse with normal water.
Do this 2-3 times a week.
Turmeric cleanses the impurities of the skin while making it light. It will also add glow to the skin. Milk makes your skin soft and smooth. There are many more Turmeric benefits for skin.
13.Gram Flour
You need
- 2 tbsp gram flour
- 2 tbsp yogurt
How to use
- Mix gram flour with enough yogurt to make the paste.
- Apply this paste on knees and elbows.
- Keep it until it gets dry completely.
- Remove it in the circular motion by scrubbing it.
- Rinse with normal water.
Do this every alternate day.
Gram flour removes the dead and dry skin and make them light. Yogurt added in gram flour works great for improving the skin tone.
You need
- Half a piece of tomato
- 1 tsp sugar
How to use
- Cut a tomato into half and dip this in the sugar or coat this with the sugar.
- Gently rub this on your dark knees and elbows for 5 minutes.
- Leave it for another 2-3 minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
Do this every alternate day.
Tomato bleaches the skin naturally and makes it light and bright. It also adds a glow to the skin. Sugar helps in exfoliating the skin and in removing the dry skin.There are many more Tomato benefits for skin.
15.Lemon and Honey
You need
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp honey
How to use
- Mix honey and lemon in a bowl.
- Cleanse your skin with warm water first.
- Take some amount of this mixture and apply it on the skin.
- Massage it for 2-3 minutes and leave it for 10 minutes.
Do this thrice a week.
Lemon makes the skin light and removes any kind of dark skin and spots. Honey moisturizes the skin and prevents it from becoming dark.
Note: If you have sensitive skin or any cuts on skin then don’t use lemon.
16.Rice flour and Aloe Vera Gel
You need
- 2 tbsp rice flour
- 2 tbsp of aloe vera gel
How to use
- Mix rice flour with aloe vera gel and make a thick paste.
- Apply this on the dark skin and to scrub for 2-3 minutes.
- Leave it for 10 minutes.
- Rinse with cool water.
Use this daily or on alternate days.
Rice flour lightens the skin tone, removes dead skin and acts as a great exfoliator. Aloe Vera gel soothes the skin and makes soft.
These are some ways which you can use to lighten dark knees and elbows. Use them and see the difference in your knees and elbows.

Hi, this is Team Fab Beauty Tips. We have a team of certified cosmetologist. It includes deep study about skin, hair, nails and makeup. Having a proper knowledge about these things inspired us a lot to share our knowledge with everyone. So that everyone can achieve there desired beautiful and trendy look.
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