Yoga is a disciplined practice that integrates your mind, body and soul. Yoga helps to strengthens your core muscles and offers increased flexibility while relieving stress.This Health Benefits Of Yoga are for people in any stage of life from children to seniors.
Health Benefits Of Yoga
In This Article
Yoga is filled with enormous benefits many health Benefits Of Yoga listed below
1.Increases flexibility
Yoga is an exercise where stretching increases you flexibility. Inflexibility leads to poor posture. Improved flexibility will tone your body muscles and will provide strength to your body. Practicing daily yoga helps in increasing flexibility, and great motion to joints and muscles.
2.Perfects your posture
A poor posture causes problems like back pain, neck pain, and other muscle and joint issues. Continuous sitting job, inappropriate posture, prolonged sittings with bend leads to poor posture. Yoga asanas like mountain pose, tree pose, cobra pose, bow pose and warrior pose helps to attain perfect posture in no time.
3.Lose weight
Yoga is considered to be one of the best and effective mean of weight lose. It not only helps to burn your extra kilos but also control the level of cortisol, the hormone that is foremost responsible for your weight mismanagement. Daily yoga helps to restore the hormonal balance thereby, normalising your body weight.
4.Reduces Stress
Fast moving lifestyle has increased the stress among every age group. This has resulted in increased problems like depression, insomnia, hormonal imbalance and various other health problems. Regular yoga practice relaxes you mind, body and soul ultimately keeping you stress free.
5.Strengthen Muscles
Strong muscles protect us from problem of arthritis and back pain Yoga not only helps you to attain strength but also increases your flexibility. Strong muscles increases the body strength further avoiding muscle injuries.
6.Protects your spine
Poor posture often leads to spine bend and other Spine issues. This bend makes a curve structure resulting in poor posture. Thus, regular yoga asanas like back- bends and front- bends will keep your spine strong and protected.
7.Improves concentration
Yoga poses and meditation calms your body and mind making you more mentally relaxed and stabilizing your state of mind. As a result it enhances your capacity to retain information and recollect as and when required. Regular yoga sharpens your mind and keep your thoughts organised.
8.Prevents digestive problems
Yoga asanas helps to detoxify the body and boost blood circulation thus helping in easing digestive issues like bloating, constipation, gastric and other stomach troubles. Regular practice of yoga like forward fold, child pose, camel pose and wind relieving posture.
9.Increases your blood flow
Yoga helps in increasing the blood flow thereby steadily supplying the oxygen to brain and muscles which impacts the overall health. Yoga like Headstand, Handstand, and Shoulder-stand helps in good blood circulation hence decreasing the risk of heart problems.
10.Boosts your immune system
Yoga not only gives you flexibility and strength but also improves the functionality of your immune system. When the muscles are stretched and contracted, a viscous fluid that is rich in immune cells is increased that further helps in fighting infections, destruction of cancer cells and removing toxicity from body.
11.Essential for Mind Peace
Yoga has the power to control the fluctuations that are on-going in an individual’s mind. In other words, it holds the stress causing factors like frustration, depression, regret, fear and anger. That is the reason why stress is the reason for many health issues like migrane, blood pressure, insomnia and even heart attack. Yoga helps to attain peace of mind by relieving you from stress.
12.Regulates blood pressure
Yoga helps in controlling the problem of blood pressure that is most commonly found once we cross the age of 30 and sometimes below 30 due to hectic lifestyle and work culture. Savasana helps in releasing hypertension thus regulating the blood pressure of the body.
13.Generates Positivity
With the regular use of yoga, you realise a difference in your lifestyle and that is the positivity that begins to surround you. Since yoga calms down your mind and releases stress, a positive environment is created that makes you feel happy.
14.Promotes healthy lifestyle
A regular yoga practice enables you to burn extra calories and awakens the spiritual dimensions promoting healthy eating. When a healthy eating habit is developed, you automatically try to maintain your body weight and other healthy habits for yourself and your loved ones.
15.Lowers blood sugar
Yoga poses an incredible benefit of lowering the blood sugar level. Yoga while helping in reducing stress, lowers the level of cortisol further managing the sugar level. It also helps in balance the functioning of our endocrine system which again helps in controlling sugar level.
16.Remedy For Menstrual Pain
When it comes to menstrual pain, every female gets scared. But yoga is considered to be very effective in curing irregular and painful periods as it alleviates the menstrual cramps. Yoga asanas like cobbler pose, ustrasana, dhanurasana and matsyasana effectively reduces the pain of periods.
17.Maintains your nervous system
Yoga helps in stimulating your nervous system and reenergizes your body and keep it healthy and fit. Spiritual yoga helps you to get control our your mind and body. A healthy nervous system promotes good health and hormonal balance in your body.
18.Ensures sound sleep
Yoga helps in relieving excessive stimulation caused due to modern lifestyle. Restorative asana, Savasana, yog nidra and pranayama releases stress that leads to insomnia hence giving you sound sleep.
19.Helps in weight management
Be it gaining weight or losing it, yoga is the most preferred way because it doesn’t have any side effects. If you want to gain or lose weight you can chose Yoga asanas accordingly to achieve your desired results.
20.Enhances your self-esteem
Yoga is the perfect way to combat low confidence that further lowers your self- esteem. Regular practice of yoga boosts self confidence, reduces negativity and improves physical appearance thereby, enhancing your self- esteem.
Yoga is the art where you can find remedy to almost every concern related to your body and mind. Doing yoga everyday helps to clear negative effects of the environment. Lets us know which is your favorite asana and why in the comments section below.
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This is such a timely reminder. With summers coming in, a lot of outdoor activities are not possible and this is a good exercise to stay in shape and healthy.
I practise yoga for stress management and better digestion. It really works! With regular practise one can benefit from yoga greatly! 🙂
This is such a detailed post on yoga .. Loved it. Yoga is very much beneficial for our body..
Yoga is a fabulous activity for overall mental and physical well being. I have been practising it for many years though I would like to be more regular with it.
We often tend to neglect Yoga, your post makes me want to include yoga in my daily regime now. It has endless benefits!
Trying my best to get in shape and I will try out some yoga too. Yoga will surely reflect the change in me
wow, that’s an incredible list of benefits, This will definitely motivate a lot of people to pick it up.. I always feel so good and positive after each yoga session and always recommend it.
I have seen people going fat to fit by practicing yoga. Yoga is wonderful for every kind of ailment as well as age. Thanks for sharing such detailed insights.
Yoga is definitely bliss for us, especially during the summers. The benefits of yoga are endless. I make sure to practise yoga regularly and my daughter is getting that habit too.
Yoga is one of the best things a person can do for himself! I love how it boosts my digestion, circulation and focus! Loved the post!