How will it look if we have a glowing face and a dark neck? Definitely it will look so terrible! Is it possible to get rid of the dark neck by keeping it cost-effective? Yes, try these home remedies which will help you remove dark neck just in a week.
How to Get Rid of Dark Neck in a week?
In This Article
1. Baking soda for dark neck
What you need:
- 3 tsp of baking soda
- 1 tsp. water
What you have to do: Mix baking soda and water in ratio 3:1 to form a paste. Apply this paste onto the targeted area and let it dry. Massage it in a circular motion and rinse it off with cold water. Pat dry it.
How often should you use: Twice a week.
Why this works: Baking soda acts as an exfoliator and whitens the area.
Caution: Excess and harsh massaging may cause redness to the skin. Be gentle.
2. Potato for dark neck
What you need:
- Potato juice
What you have to do: Apply potato juice on to the targeted area. Let that sit for 15 mins. Wash it off with cold water. You can mix lemon juice to potato juice for better results.
Why this works: Potatoes are crystalline in content and have catecholase which lightens the skin.
How often should you use: Daily
Caution: Just apply the juice. Do not massage or rub it on the skin. The more gently you treat your skin the better it becomes.
3. Aloe Vera for dark neck
What you need:
- Aloe Vera gel (preferably fresh one)
What you have to do: Apply aloe Vera gel onto the targeted area and let it sit for 20 mins. Rinse it off with cold water and pat dry it.
How often should you use: Use daily
Why this works: Aloe Vera gel hydrates the skin and lightens it.
Caution: If using fresh Aloe Vera gel wash the leaf thoroughly and scrape the gel from the leaf with clean hands.
Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

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