As the headings say it all “Acne prevention is better than acne cure” we should take proper care beforehand. Using this simple 10 ways will help you in Acne prevention before it appears. The main factor that causes acne is poor hygiene and poor diet so if you concentrate on these two properly major work to prevent acne is done. Always remember that acne prevention will take less time and products, than clearing acne or acne scars from the skin.
How to Prevent Acne and Pimples
In This Article
1. Changing pillow cover
It is important to change pillow covers every 3-4 days or at least once a week. The reason behind it is that every time we take a nap on that pillow, we transfer some oil, bacteria on that. Which may come back on the face again and can be a reason for forming acne. Using a satin pillowcase can help to prevent acne and also has a few more advantages.
Tip: Start using satin Pillowcase.
2. Don’t touch and spread
As we all know to have good hygiene can prevent so many diseases. By just touching with uncleaned hands we can transfer many unwanted bacteria on the skin which may lead to forming acne. If someone is suffering from acne it can grow more aggressively by just touching again and again.
Tip: Avoid touching your face more frequently and wash your hands more.
3. Wash face
We must wash our face at least twice a day to prevent acne as it will remove all excess oil and dust that accumulate on the skin. And there are some other benefits of washing face again and again. It will help you to feel fresh and stress-free in just one splash of water. If you prefer using face wash then we recommend you try this as it will work best on all skin types.
Tip: Best face wash for all skin types is Click here.
4. Regular mild exfoliation
Exfoliating skin is always good. Exfoliating at least once a week will help to remove all dead cells from the skin. But if you already suffering from acne problems than being careful while exfoliating. Don’t over-exfoliate skin, you might end up with blemishes and redness on the skin. You can use a scrub but be careful as if you have acne it can make the problem worse.
Tip: Best scrub for mild Exfoliation(Click here).
5. Remove Makeup
Before going to bed for a good night’s sleep you must remove your makeup. Mostly every cosmetic product is waterproof and sweatproof and it doesn’t allow sweat to come out from the skin. It traps sweat and clogs pores and hence it leads the skin to have acne. So to prevent acne and this condition now we have various types of makeup removal products available in the market. There are many face washes, wipes are available in stores for just removing makeup. If you don’t want to use product try out Olive oil.
Tip: Use olive oil on a cotton pad and gently massage the oil onto your face to get rid of makeup and dirt.
6. Clean Makeup applicator
It is necessary to clean makeup brushes or beauty blender at least once a week to prevent acne. Better if cleaned after using them twice. The reason behind this is that as we use that makeup applicator again and again indirectly applying that foundation or eyeshadow which we applied last time. This will lead to acne as dust on the brush will get a stick on your face.
Tip: To clean your makeup brush you can try anyone which you like.
7. Choose the right makeup products
Picking the right cosmetic product is also important. Right cosmetic means those products which are suitable to your skin type and your current skin condition. To know that is your skin type and which skin product can suit you best read this.
Tip: The key point in preventing acne is selecting the right product.
8. Moisturize skin
Using a moisturizer is common but most people don’t know that it prevents the formation of acne on the skin. There are many moisturizers are available in the market according to various skin types. If we don’t apply moisturizer on the skin, it naturally secretes moisturizer called sebum, which causes acne. So applying the right moisturizer maintains the secretion level of sebum on the skin.
9. Drink water
Drinking water insufficient amount will help to flush out toxins from the body. And it makes skin more clear by hydrating skin and increases the moisture levels in the skin. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day helps you to get rid of toxins from the skin which directly leads to the prevention of acne. Increasing your water intake can also give your skin a radiant glow.
Tip: A few more benefits of drinking water.
10. Exercise and yoga
Exercise does lymphatic drainage and increases blood circulation as well. Yoga (meditation) will help in reducing stress, depression and bring peace in mind. And thus you can prevent not only acne but many other diseases. And always remember that it is said “People who practice yoga are believed to live longer than those who don’t”
Tip: More benefits of yoga.
Always remember that it’s in your hand to prevent acne before it becomes a nightmare. So follow these all tips and live an acne-free life.
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Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

Hi, this is Team Fab Beauty Tips. We have a team of certified cosmetologist. It includes deep study about skin, hair, nails and makeup. Having a proper knowledge about these things inspired us a lot to share our knowledge with everyone. So that everyone can achieve there desired beautiful and trendy look.