Darkening of some skin areas is caused due to aging and sun exposure called pigmentation also known as acanthosis nigricans. Also, this area does not have oil glands resulting in the drying of the skin. If not taken care this may get worse. So, here are some home remedies which may help you out to get rid of dark knees.
How to Get Rid of Dark knees in a week?
In This Article
Use any one remedy from all the 4 listed below.
1. Milk for dark knees and elbows
What you need:
- 2 tbsp milk
- 1 tablespoon curd
- 1 tablespoon flour
What you have to do: Mix all three together to form a paste and apply it to the targeted area. Let it sit for 15 mins and then wash it off with cold water and pat dry.
How often should you use: Twice a week
Why this works: Milk has vitamins and fatty acid that soothes the skin. Blended with curd even intensifies the effect.
Caution: Use only when it’s dried so you can gently massage in a circular motion as a good exfoliator.
2. Lemon for dark knees
What you need:
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 tbsp Honey
What you have to do: Mix honey and lemon juice apply this mixture onto the targeted area and let it sit for 20 mins and wash it off with cold water.
How often should you use: Twice or thrice a week
Why this works: Lemon peels and gives Vitamin C. This removes dead cells and evens out new skin cells.
Caution: Slightly tickling may occur while applying lemon. That’s normal. Apply ice to soothe the skin after washing.
3. Sugar for dark knees
What you need:
- 1 tbsp. olive oil
- 1 tablespoon sugar
What you have to do: Mix both the ingredients and apply it to the targeted area and massage it gently in a circular motion. After some time wash it off.
Why this works: This will help you even out skin and removes dead skin cells. Acts as a good exfoliator.
How often should you use: Daily
Caution: Apply moisturizer after the procedure to avoid skin dryness.
4. Almonds for dark knees
What you need:
- 1 tbsp almond oil or almond powder
- 1 tbsp. yogurt
What you have to do: Gently massage with almond oil every night or mix almond powder and yogurt to form a paste. Let it sit for 10 mins, gently massage it and wash it off.
How often should you use: Can be used daily.
Why this works: Nut and its oil are good for the skin. They have nutrients that keep skin pretty.
Caution: Use warm oil daily for 15 days to give miraculous results.
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Do leave your comment below and let me know if you have used any of the above homeremedies to get rid of Dark Knees also share it with your friends
Thank You.
Disclaimer: Please note that This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information provided above is not a substitute for any professional medical advice. We always suggest you talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.

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